Thursday, July 18, 2013



       This is an experience I would like to share with all of you. We already know as to what the status of Kannada is in Bengaluru. Who were once a majority are turning ourselves into minorities day by day. What was to be a Metropolitan has changed into Cosmopolitan. I never wanted to write these onto a Blog but a recent post by Mr. Karthik 

"ARE YOU A KANNADIGA"" has made me pen these down for you.

       I had visited Canara Bank to deposit cash to my account. I filled the pay in slip in Kannada and approached the counter. On my turn, I gave the pay in slip and cash to the Cashier. The Cashier returned the pay in slip and cash stating that he cannot process the request as the pay in slip was filled in Kannada. I asked him to process it, as Kannada is the language of the state. But my request was declined. I approached the Manager and explained him about the attitude of the Cashier for which the manager instructed the cashier to process the request. 
Even after this, the Cashier argued that I could as well have written the pay in slip in English. I replied that writing the pay in slip in Kannada was my right as i'm living in Karnataka. Hence I lodged an official complaint to higher authorities for obstructing me to perform Banking transactions in Kannada. I also lodged a complaint in Public Grievances Portal of Central Government. 

OUTCOME: The Bank apologized for the attitude of the Cashier and regretted for the inconvenience. Also the Cashier apologized and assured that he would not repeat this in future. He did even mention that he would learn Kannada to help serve people better.

       The story ends well but what are we to take from this? We see these types of incidence in our daily life and keep moving on with it as we know that we cannot compel anyone to learn Kannada.  As explained above, I never compelled the Cashier to learn Kannada. Being a KANNADIGA, I performed my Banking Transaction in Kannada (Which I can rightfully do). Since his Job was in jeopardy, the cashier agreed to learn Kannada. What if all of us start communicating/Transacting in Kannada? This would make Kannada a necessity for all those who think it’s just an Option. I have done my bit; it’s up to you now. 
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